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UPDATES to SparcElectric (11202022)

Documentation changes

Change: altered plans in technical section regarding future updates.

UPDATES to SparcElectric (09082022)

Documentation changes

added comments on tables in format:

USE SparcElectricHybridDW;
EXEC sp_addextendedproperty
@name = N'Comment',
@value = 'Per customer daily totals table',
@level0type = N'Schema', @level0name = 'dbo',
@level1type = N'Table', @level1name = 'ElecDeliveryFact';

Change: Comment on table ElecDeliveryFact (per customer daily totals table)
Change: Comment on WorkOrderCustFact (per full customer work order record)
Change: Comment on WorkOrderInfrasFact (per full inventory/infrastructure work order record)
Justification: Documentation.

Change: Add to documentation - things on Test-bed future directions list (on technical page):

Change: Add to Documentation (In case it wasn’t already clear) on “None of the code in the SparcElectric Mixed Database and Data Warehouse Test-bed is production ready and should not be run against a production instance. This is a sample test-bed for testing, entertainment, and simulation purposes.” Justification: Warning.

Key changes

Change: The table ElecDelivery primary key changed to BIGINT
Justification: Clearly, if the meter reading system - when implemented - is going to have 96 reads/day per every meter on the system - every customer has at least one meter and some commercial customers more than one - and the customer count is going to be 2 magnitudes higher (growing from 300 customers to 30,000, which is a more realistic customer base for a small electric energy company) then the primary key needs to be BIGINT to keep the company from running out of key space within three to five years.

Index changes

Non-clustered indexes on foreign keys:
It’s time to put indexes on the foreign keys already in use, to provide better performance during joins. (Meter reading through ElecDelivery and storage through GridStore will be approached later.)

Added the following NONCLUSTERED indexes:








Change: Add clustered primary key to DimDate
Justification: Correct oversight. DimDate is not a heap table, and should have a primary key and clustered index. It was set up to be to have a primary key of DateKey from the natural number of the date in ‘YYYYMMDD’ format.

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