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How the SparcElectric Test-bed was Generated
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SparcElectric Mixed Workload Database
and Data Warehouse Test-bed

The Scenario

SparcElectric, a fictitious small electric power supplier, serves seven locations (six in Virginia and one in Maryland). Their customers consist of residential and commercial clients – as well as several industrial, city, and county government entities.

To serve their customers and track the operations of their business, SparcElectric employs a mixed workload database – also referred to as a hybrid data warehouse model – which allows them to run OLTP and OLAP workload processing side-by-side. This combined database/data warehouse provides the ability to capture data inserts and updates through transactions, and also perform analytics.

Anticipating an increase in workload due to various acquisitions, SparcElectric is moving a portion of their operations to the cloud. They foresee a large increase to their current customer base and anticipate either complete re-platforming or cloud hybridizing their data environment during their modernization and expansion efforts.

First Objectives:

Power BI Insights for SparcElectric

Leadership at SparcElectric utilizes on-demand data visualizations of Power BI to provide the following insights:

What is the balance between SparcElectric’s different customer segments in the customer work orders? (residential, commercial, and government accounts). And what is the cost of each of those different segments in labor and equipment?

The above are addressed by the following dashboard:

Customer Segment Breakdown

How much time is being spent on-site for each customer segment?

The next two dashboards hold both on-site hours and equipment cost, slicing the Repair Hours Onsite by the Connection Classification (Customer segment): City/Town govt., County govt., State govt., Federal govt., and Commercial or Residential.

The second dashboard shows the breakdown of costs, both labor and equipment by both Customer zipcode and Employee zipcode, along with the total onsite hours.

Customer Onsite and Equipment Zipcode Analysis of Onsite Time

How much time is being spent on-site for SparcElectric’s infrastructure tickets?

The dashboard below shows the onsite repair hours along with the equipment costs, sliced by the inventory segments by infrastructure type: High Voltage equipment, Interconnects, Lighting (street lights), Linework, Substation equipment, and Transformers.

Infrastructure Onsite and Equipment

What inventory segment (street lights, transformers, power lines, etc.) is SparcElectric spending the most on for internal maintenance and repairs?

Lighting ends up being the largest spend, due to the random nature of the equipment charges, the labor hours required, and the fact that streetlights are the largest segment of equipment the company owns / operates.

Lighting:Another view Main Four Equipment Types

What is the breakdown between SparcElectric’s equipment and labor costs in infrastructure and inventory?

Infrastructure Breakdown

Technical Choices (Overview)

Additional Warning

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